HRDD’s Heather Rowell, AIA was selected as one of the Rice School of Architecture Alumna to be included in the The Center for the Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality’s newest exhibition: The Women of Rice: Alumnae, Here and Beyond.
“Just as Rice faculty and staff have demonstrated, our alumnae also seek to “be the change.” Since 1912 these enterprising Women of Rice have continually made their own way: occupying high-profile positions of leadership; developing patents; becoming Poets Laureate; trailblazing a path for women to the highest education possible; winning prestigious prizes in their fields, including Pulitzers, Emmys, Grammys and Peabodys; founding groundbreaking companies; playing in the WNBA; contending in the Olympics; and even venturing into space.
Organized by school, this third Women of Rice exhibit celebrates a handful of alumnae whose talents, courage, savvy, and determination ratcheted the standards of Rice yet higher – and these women maintained or surpassed those standards “beyond the hedges.”
We recognize that many women and men, inside and outside of Rice, laid a path for these outstanding alumnae to follow, shaping conditions decade by decade to ease access to varied career opportunities.”
The exhibit is on view through Friday, February 14th in Rice University’s Fondren Library. An online catalog of the exhibit is available here.